Membership Information

Dear Potential Member:

Thank you for your interest in the Norwegian Elkhound Minutemen Association (NEMA). This information is to familiarize you with NEMA so that you will know what a membership in our club entails.

NEMA is a non-profit breed club; it began in 1975 through the support of Norwegian Elkhound enthusiasts from around New England. Through the efforts of these Charter Members, NEMA has provided Norwegian Elkhound enthusiasts with many events to attend throughout the year


The club was formed to advance interest in the Norwegian Elkhound and to protect and promote the qualities and attributes of the Norwegian Elkhound as a companion dog.

TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP: There are four types of members:

Family - $20.00 - 2 Adults living in the same household

Individual - $15.00 - 1 Adult

Both of these memberships include full voting privileges and are for those who would like to be more active in the club.

Associate - $10 - A non-voting membership for 1 or 2 Adults living in the same household

Junior - $5.00 - A non-voting membership for those under the age of 18 and having no affiliation with a family member
Note: Change of membership status requires a formal re-application.

* * * * * * Dues are payable to the NEMA Treasurer by April 1 of each year* * * * * * *


Voting membership, fill out an application form and have two members sign as sponsors. You must submit a dues check with application. Your application will be read at the first meeting after receipt and will be published in the club newsletter. At the meeting subsequent to your having met the attendance requirements, your application will be voted on by the membership. You must attend one meeting or official club activity within a 6-month period prior to election.

Associate or Junior Membership, you will need to fill out an application as above, except there is no attendance requirement


Joining NEMA is a wonderful way to meet other Elkhound enthusiasts, who care about the welfare of all Elkhounds. It provides contact with reputable breeders who can assist other members in the care, raising, training, showing and/or breeding of Elkhounds. It supports and encourages NEMA Rescue that re-houses and aids needy Elkhounds. It publishes newsletter (SAGA), which contains information on club activities and articles about Elkhounds. NEMA sponsors Educational programs on all aspects of the Breed in combination with membership meetings that include B/OB Matches, Regional Specialties, and we support several all breed shows throughout the year. Awards are given to members whose dogs complete Championship, Obedience, Agility or Good Citizenship degrees. Breeder Certificates are given to the members who bred those dogs.

We encourage each member to take an active role and support NEMA in order to insure its continued success, and we urge you to come to meetings and to take an active part in club activities.

Again, thank you for your interest in NEMA,

Dr. Tammy Greeley-Garvin

Membership Chairperson